God has blessed us greatly in this first year of mission work. We went into it making a commitment to serve God even though we still had personal bills to pay. We prayed to God that he would make a way to get them paid and then rested in peace knowing He would provide. This was after we unloaded all our things, sold our cars, and moved out of the house.
In August, the Cessna 340 needed to have its annual inspection done so we flew it to Florida. One of our fuel stops is in Puerto Rico. Here you can see our good friend Hector in Puerto Rico. God spared him and his household from hurricane Maria.
Cessna 340 annual inspection
As you can see, some fairly major work is being done on the left engine and propeller as well as having some engine and avionics instruments repaired.
In the last newsletter we identified the need for Air Ambulance service in Bolivia as a way to further help the Bolivian people. We discovered there is currently no Air Ambulance service in the entire country.
Even without doing Air Ambulance, we still need a larger airplane to transport the medical missionary team to various locations along with the evangelism team. We cannot fit everyone and all the supplies into the current 6 passenger airplane (Cessna 340).
Now, we are setting our focus on 2018 and how we can continue serving God in the medical missionary field. You can read the latest outreach effort of the medical team by clicking on this link: Medical Mission Trip
The medical missionaries and volunteers flown to location by Ptr. David Gates and Miguel Farias.

As a way to be directly involved with patients in the medical work, Jenny has enrolled in the Health Evangelism curriculum at the Wildwood Center for Health Evangelism in Georgia. In this way we can assist the medical team in treating patients with natural remedies, hydrotherapy, and massage – things we can do for patients – as well as teach them the health principles so they will have a better understanding of how to take care of themselves after we leave.
We have identified these projects for 2018
Airplane purchase – Cessna Conquest 441, 10 passengers
Runway improvements
On-field fuel storage tanks
Hangar purchase
Fuel Operations – funds to fly the medical team to various locations
We are working on identifying the costs and timelines for these projects and will let you know as they become more solid.
We are moving forward knowing God will open the doors according to His will to further His work of saving souls for eternity. Each day that goes by is one less day to reach those souls, so we ask that you join us in prayer each day as you bring your petitions to God, to pray for these projects to be funded and completed quickly.
Here is a picture of a Cessna Conquest currently for sale to give you an idea of what it looks like.

If you would like to be involved in the funding of one or more of these projects you can do that in the following ways:
By personal check – mail to: FrontLine Gospel Support International P.O. Box 506 Collegedale, TN 37315
Or Donate Online: Give Now
Your contribution is fully tax deductible and you will receive a receipt for your records.
Please let us know what project you want to help fund.
In the service of the King,
Brandtley & Jenyve