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About Us

In service for Christ

We heard the call, and went to serve.

Our purpose is to lend a helping hand to those who are laboring in the mission field of medical care, mission schools, orphanages, and other humanitarian services.

We do this by flying patients to better medical facilities, bringing medical teams into villages that have no care, and bringing food, supplies, literature, and the love of Christ to those in need.

If he isn’t flying or working on the plane, he is sharing his musical gifts in the recording studio and technical talents by recording other artists. 


He also plays the keyboard during live broadcasts of RED Advenir TV station channel 23. The TV station broadcasts and streams in North America, South America, and Europe every 1st Sabbath of the month.


Jenyve is from the Philippines. She worked as a missionary teacher in South Korea and now serves as a teacher to the children of the missionaries in her present mission field.


The students are of different ages, grades, and nationality. She is currently enrolled in a health evangelism training program so she can soon help with the medical missions.


Brandtley is serving as a pilot flying patients from rural areas to better facilities, transporting volunteers, supplies and equipment to places where outreach is being done.  He works on the plane with other mechanics as needed.

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