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Spreading the Gospel Message

We made two mission outreach flights in April about 300 miles away to villages outside of a small town called San Borja. We could only take 5 out of the 7 volunteers in the airplane since it is too small to carry that many people. These two people, David, a volunteer dentist from Peru and Franz our local Bolivian volunteer had to go on the 15+ hour bus ride instead of 2 hours by air.

We flew 240 bibles and Steps to Christ books to hand out to the people in the villages. If you click here you can read the entire story and see some really nice pictures and videos of how the people live in their remote villages. It was made possible by donations from various people including one of our friend’s 13-year-old daughter who donated for this trip. Thank you so much!!

...Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Matt 25:40

On this first trip we dropped the volunteers off and picked them up again at the end of the 6 days. However, the day I flew to pick them up, the Santa Cruz airport would not let us leave until about 2:30pm in the afternoon due to the weather. It was still OK as there was enough time to go and come back before dark. I made use of the trip outbound by first taking a missionary family and their supplies out to Rurrenabaque which is about 20 minutes away from San Borja. When I got to Rurrenabaque I was asked if I was staying the night. I said, “No, I’m going to San Borja”. And they said, “Well it is not possible because the airport is closed.”

I went inside the terminal and found that the airport was indeed closed due to heavy rains and flooding on the runway. I ended up staying the night at our Orphanage and made the flight the next day.

When I arrived at San Borja one of our volunteers told me a wonderful story. They had vespers that night at the airport, singing many songs and praising God for his blessings and protection during the trip. After that, Ruth went to ask the security man if she could use their Wifi. While they waited to get the code, he asked her what religion they were from. He said that he was religious before, but not anymore. After Ruth said we were Seventh-day Adventist, they began talking about the Sabbath, and Ruth gave him a Bible study about the Sabbath. They talked for a long time, then he asked for prayer for his one-year-old daughter with microcephaly.

At the end of the conversation, he said to Ruth ” I think that God delayed your trip home to stay here, and talk with me about the Bible”.

So we learned that when a storm arrives and keeps you from reaching your goal, remember, God is probably providing you an opportunity to reach someone for Him!!

Our initial purpose here is to fly the missionary volunteers, medical people, bibles, books and medicine to these locations where care can be provided and give the gospel message in these last few days we have left on this earth.

However, we want to be more involved with the care giving and creating relationships with the people.

So the second trip was to bring in educational supplies to the children in Campo Bella who have never had any school supplies at all.

This gave us an opportunity to be involved in meeting the people!

We loaded the plane with notebooks, pencils, paper, erasers, pens, glue and other things to take out to Campo Bello which is less than 7 miles from San Borja airport but takes over an hour to drive there.

We stopped at the market in town to get food for the trip and saw a boy with a baby monkey. They let us hold it. What a treat!! His hands were so small and soft.

The children, adults, and teachers were very happy to receive all these supplies as they virtually have nothing to use, not even text books.

It started raining in the afternoon so we left early as later the taxis will no longer travel on the slippery roads to get us. On the way back to the airport the taxi almost slid off the road down into a ditch but praise the Lord the car stopped just at the edge!!

Currently we cannot fly due to some government documents that need to be filed and approved.

Please join us in prayer that this situation will be resolved soon.

In the meantime, our next mission outreach will be accomplished by driving 4 hours to Villa Tunari to provide medical and dental care at an orphanage with 60 children.

All our love to you, Brandtley & Jenyve

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